Notice: this event has taken place on September 13, 2022 14:00:00. You can no longer sign-up for this event.
Briskr workshop: Company Valuation & legal issues of joint ventures with investors (ENG)
September 13
Event summary
What’s the value of your company?
Valuation of a company is almost always hard. Sentiments play a role, but also the fact that there are many alternative ways to look at the value of a company. This is of course even more true if you run a start-up as the past offers little foundation to determine future performance and worth. But for all growth stages valuation is immensely important since external financing is in most cases the only way to grow. Therefore, it’s necessary that you understand how valuation works, that you know how best to prepare for negotiations and how to determine the conditions. This is what this workshop offers. It helps create a better understanding of company valuation and investment terms as well as the process to reach an investment deal.
Understanding the other site of the table
Investors and entrepreneurs both want a deal that makes them happy. In order to have fruitful discussions about the valuation of your company, it’s therefore important for both sides of the table to have a good understanding of each other’s perspective. What does an investor look for in a business case? What is expected from you as an entrepreneur? But also, what can you expect from an investor? Now during the deal making phase, but also later on as a shareholder in your company? Instead of looking for a bigger slice of the pie, the goal should be to make the pie bigger for everyone at the table.
Legal issues regarding the participation of investors
When an investor and entrepreneur cooperate, in principle, they have the same objectives. But that’s not the case on all aspects of the cooperation. For instance regarding an exit or the relationship between the management board and the general meeting of shareholders. These are some of the most important issues in the cooperation between an entrepreneur and an investor. Thorough thought on these issues upfront contribute to a smooth cooperation between entrepreneur and an investor.
Emile Sahar, Poelmann van den Broek Lawyers
Maurice Koopmans, Aeternus corporate finance
Bram ten Bok, Oost NL
Live event
We aim to organize this workshop in a live setting and will take all necessary RIVM/national measures into account. If a physical workshop is not possible, we will reschedule to a later date.
Good to know
We finish off with drinks & bites. This workshop is free of charge and facilitated in English. Please register upfront!
We look forward to meet you!
The workshop is meant for investment seeking start-ups/ scale-ups; entrepreneurs that are either in or approaching the phase to find and contract investors. It is free of charge, but registration is needed. There is a maximum of 16 participants. And to prepare for this wokshop we will ask you to answer some questions in advance.
Event organizer

Briskr, Aeternus, Oost NL & Poelmann van den Broek