The idea of Mercator Launch was born in 2017. Mercator Launch was founded in 2018 by Radboud University and Radboudumc. It was set up as an entrepreneurial programme for the entire Nijmegen Campus that stimulates entrepreneurial spirit among employees, PhD students and students. Mercator Launch helps starting entrepreneurs to further develop their business ideas into impactful and successful startups.
Our main focus is to help starting entrepreneurs in the so-called pre-incubation phase. This means that we help you, as prospective entrepreneurs, with the overall activities you need to support you in further developing your business idea, business model and business plan. This will hopefully boost your chances to create an effective and meaningful startup.
Together with these founding partners, we empower entrepreneurial minds at the Heyendaal Campus with Mercator Launch!
Some other organizations we’re very proud to work with are:
Do you want to work with us and help empower entrepreneurial minds?
Contact us