Notice: this event has taken place on July 5, 2022 14:00:00. You can no longer sign-up for this event.

Briskr workshop: Business model stress test (ENG)

July 5

14:00:00 - 17:00:00

Event summary

To innovate is not that hard, isn’t it?
But how do you kill innovations? What can you do to prevent you from becoming successful? In research over the past ten years, we have gained a whealth of experience from companies with approaches that are guaranteed to lead to failure. Some even brilliant failures, in the terms of Professor of Innovation Paul Iske. How do you work together, also in public-private partnerships? What is the role of the IT department? How do you give room to innovation, without it becoming a bottomless pit for time and money?

In this workshop, we will guide you through a number of pitfalls of innovations, particularly digital ones, that can effectively make innovation fail. In this way, we help you to avoid these pitfalls and become successful. At the start of the workshop we will walk you through a number of failure factors, a number of which are undoubtedly very recognisable. We invite you to share failures with each other and to combine that with ways to get things moving again.

Business model stress test
We conclude with a business model stress test of your idea and organisation: How strong is your organization when it comes to innovation and which developments can strengthen or undermine your idea? We combine everything we have shared to create a mini action plan for you.

A participant’s feedback from the previous workshop: “I did not expect the hands-on and practical approach the workshop took, I have found it very useful and was happy that my business case could get attention.”

The workshop is given by two innovators of InnoValor, Claudia Vermeulen and Liesbeth Hijink. Afterwards, you will receive a trend book with digital trends and the tools we have worked with..

Live event
We aim to organize this workshop in a live setting and will take all necessary RIVM/national measures into account. If a physical workshop is not possible, we will reschedule to a later date.
Good to know
We finish off with drinks & bites. This workshop is free of charge and facilitated in English. Please register upfront! 

A few days before the event we will send an email from with more detailed info on the workshop (you might need to check your spam box).
We look forward to meet you!

Event organizer

Organisation logo


Novio Tech Campus Nijmegen, building M