Notice: this event has taken place on November 23, 2021 09:00:00. You can no longer sign-up for this event.
Radboud Intellectual Property Day
Event summary
On Tuesday the 23rd of November 2021, RIS and R&I organize an IP Workshop. Respecting the Corona measures, we have decided to organize this workshop ONLINE.
The workshop will be a practical information session in collaboration with the intellectual property advisor and university contact from RVO (Ministry of Economic Affairs).
You will learn:
- The Intellectual Property regulation of the Radboud University
- A practical roadmap from idea to invention-disclosure-form to patent
- How to check and evaluate Intellectual Property in the ESPACENET database
This workshop is open for any researcher at Radboud University who would like to know more about Intellectual Property. Attendees will be asked to prepare for this workshop by filling in some basic information about their research in a Research Description Form.
Because the event takes place online, we have room for additional participants.
Registration up to the 18th of November 2021: please send an email message to Mira in den Bosch, with the message ‘attending IP Workshop’:
Event organizer
Radboud University
Faculty of Science