Notice: this event has taken place on October 6, 2022 13:30:00. You can no longer sign-up for this event.
The Future of Us 2022: innovation festival (NL & ENG)
Event summary
Innovation, inspiration and networking during The Future of Us on October 6th!
Arnhem – Thursday, October 6th, 2022 is the day: Then, for the fourth time, the innovative and informative festival The Future of Us will take place at Industriepark Kleefse Waard (IPKW) in Arnhem. The Future of Us is the event in the Eastern Netherlands about the energy transition, circular economy and innovation and is organized by Kiemt and IPKW. This year’s festival is titled ‘Changing our ways’ with the theme: How do we defy resource dependency within the energy transition? None other than French journalist Guillaume Pitron will be present to offer a solution to this dilemma.
Theme: The energy transition and the finite nature of raw materials
On October 6th, everyone who wants to be informed, stimulated, inspired and motivated to do more within the energy transition, circular economy and innovations is welcome at IPKW from 13:30 to 19:00. This year we’ll zoom in on the limited fossil resources within the energy transition with the circular principles in mind. A low-carbon society needs a considerable amount of raw materials that are hardly available in the European Union. Producing energy with green technologies, such as solar and wind, requires a lot of scarce raw materials. How are we going to face this dilemma?
Versatile program with keynote speaker Guillaume Pitron
Pitron works for Le Monde Diplomatique and National Geographic, among others. In 2018, after six years of research, he published his book “The Rare Metals War: the dark side of clean energy and digital technologies.” At the festival, he will take attendees through what solution he envisions.
In addition to Pitron, there is much more to see and experience: Master classes, table talks, workshops and discussions can be attended on various stages. For example, Helga Witjes (deputy at the province of Gelderland) and Nermina Kundic (councillor for Education and Youth, Sustainable Mobility and Economy at the municipality of Arnhem) will be interviewed about their views on the theme. There’ll also be a master class on what else is needed besides technological development to make the transition a success. This will be provided by Erik Jansen of the HAN University of Applied Sciences. On top of that, director of Connectr, Jeroen Herremans, will take the participants through what they’re developing now and what value that has for accelerating the energy transition and the region. We also travel beyond borders with Go4Export about the cooperation between the Netherlands and Germany in the field of energy transition.
At the inspiration square, visitors can be inspired by many innovations. For example, participants can get into H2Trac’s electric tractor and virtually experience how it drives, admire the latest circular solar panels, spin the RVO Wheel of Fortune and immerse themselves in innovative energy use and storage.
The full program can be found at here.
Presentation of Jan Terlouw Innovation and Ambition Award
During the festival, the winners of the Jan Terlouw Innovation and Ambition Award for the most innovative and sustainable entrepreneurs of the Eastern Netherlands will also be announced. Jan Terlouw will personally present the award! With this award co-organizer Kiemt gives sustainable innovative entrepreneurs a boost. This year for the 12th time already!
Free registration
Tickets for the festival can be reserved for free here. Don’t wait too long, because there’s a limited number of tickets available.
About The Future of Us
What does our future look like? In the new world, everything is circular and energy is generated sustainably. With this innovative networking event, The Future of Us – Changing our ways aims to tell, inspire and connect within the themes of innovation, energy transition and circular economy. In order to strengthen and accelerate together towards a sustainable future.
The festival is made possible by contributions from the Municipality of Arnhem, Province of Gelderland, Go4Export, HAN University of Applied Sciences, Radboud University, RVO, GloedCommunicatie and Nedstack.
Initiators Kiemt and IPKW
The Future of Us is organized by Kiemt and Industriepark Kleefse Waard.
Kiemt is a network organization in the field of energy transition and the transition to a circular economy in the Eastern Netherlands. Accelerating these transitions requires a joint effort of startups, scale ups, companies, knowledge institutions and governments. Since 2005, Kiemt has built a strong network in the East Netherlands for this purpose. The affiliated partners of Kiemt form a close-knit innovation network in which opportunities are exploited by effectively scouting, screening and supporting.
Industriepark Kleefse Waard (IPKW) is a 90-hectare work location that houses, facilitates and connects sustainable energy-related companies. Together with the government, education and the business community, it’s working on the cleantech campus of the future in Arnhem. IPKW’s ambition is to be the most sustainable business park in the Netherlands by 2025.
Event organizer
The Future of Us