Notice: this event has taken place on November 10, 2022 15:30:00. You can no longer sign-up for this event.
Kiemt & Mercator Launch webinar: (Im)possibilities of IP (ENG)
Event summary
Want to know more about Intellectual Property (IP) and its (im)possibilities? Come to the webinar “(Im)possibilities of IP”. You can register now for this webinar on Thursday November 10th at 15.30.
Host Franske van Duuren, together with patent experts Brigitte Geurts from the Algemeen Octrooi- en Merkenbureau (AOMB) and Karen Sam from the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO), will discuss online the ins and outs of intellectual property with 2 entrepreneurs. In one hour, we’ll take you through the possibilities, but more importantly, the impossibilities of IP. Why is it a success story for some entrepreneurs and a cost for others?

Event organizer

Kiemt & Mercator Launch