How to recharge yourself and your business while getting it to the next level
It’s summertime! Time to go out, have fun and get some well-deserved chill time. However, when having your own business, is there ever time when you can really sit back and relax? Well, yes of course! And even better… you can combine business with pleasure! 😉
You probably built your business around your passion. And because having a business can be tough and a lot of work, it is good to go back to that first feeling of love you had for your business.
First, let me tell you who I am. My name is Julian Leijser, I am 33 years old and I live in Arnhem. 10 years ago, I finished my Master in Business Communication at the Radboud University. I started my own business right after that.
When I started my business, I focussed on change management. Later on, the focus slowly started to shift to projects within the startup ecosystems. Four years ago, I started another company which is called Habits of Happiness. This company is in a totally different area of expertise: the field of essential oils and natural medicine. Currently, I am still working on both businesses with great pleasure. As an experienced entrepreneur, here are my tips for an inspiring summer!
- Go abroad and get inspired
The best thing about being a student is freedom! And in the summer time you have that same freedom. Use your weeks off wisely! Go on a roadtrip to wherever and explore new countries and cultures. New places can inspire you, teach you more about yourself and broaden your horizon. And it might just bring you that great new (business) idea. Whether you just started your business or not, going abroad always give you renewed energy. Even lack of money is not a good reason not to go! Just find yourself a side job at your destination. Go couch surfing and make new friends. Take a tent with you, you will thank me later. And if you’re not really a ‘road trip’ type of person, go discover our own country. Lots to explore!
2. Go combine your hobby with your business
Are you the workaholic type? Go combine your business with something fun and completely new. This will really take you out of your comfort zone. Last year, we were fully into corona-mode. Before the pandemic, I always gave live workshops but, as you all know, this currently is not possible. So, what I did was I call Dutch festival campings like ‘Buitenland’ and ‘Lievelinge’. A week later I was invited to be part of their program for the summer with my essential oil business, where I met a lot of potential new customers.
Steve Jobs says it very strikingly in his commencement speech at Stanford University: ‘Go do what you love!”. A must see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UF8uR6Z6KLc!
3. Go do a fun new collaboration
As I said before: summertime is all about having fun and recharging. Go to Instagram or another platform you like to use and search for people who inspire you. I’m really into healthy routines, so I search for people who inspire me on this topic on Instagram. What I do next is contact them and ask: ‘Hey, are you up for organising something together like a training or an event? Most people love it when you reach out to them. That has been the basis for my monthly training which is called ‘The Miracle Morning’. What inspired me for this training? A book I read about having an early morning routine from Hal Elrod (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eR21ynDHwH8). Want to experience the effect of The Miracle Morning training yourself? We will probably start a training again soon, so make sure to check out our socials!
4. Go reinvent yourself
When you have your own business, the only way up is to experience ups and downs and get to know yourself better through the process. Also, training and summer schools can help! Look for a summer school that really rocks your boat and ticks all of your boxes of things you want to learn. Summer schools can help you to get a clear vision, let go of all your baggage and free you up to take your business to the next level. Mercator Launch has also set up a list of online courses you can follow: https://www.mercatorlaunch.nl/online-courses-to-follow-from-your-home-office-or-couch/
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