Awesome Driver is a transparent platform for driving students and instructors where the main goal is to make the ideal match between student and instructor to ensure safe and carefree lessons.
We asked them 6 questions:
1. What is your unique problem/solution fit?
Based on their wishes and needs, we match driving students with an instructor. These instructors have been checked for reliability by Awesome Driver and are assessed for quality by the students. The SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) Awesome Driver complies with is ‘quality education’.
2. What’s Awesome Driver’s mission?
We want to create a transparent platform for driving students and instructors where making the ideal match between student and instructor to ensure a safe and carefree learning environment is our main goal. We want to make it easy for driving students with autism, performance anxiety or ADHD to find a suitable driving instructor. Someone who’s able to create their ideal learning environment. One without stress and fear.
Our mission is to perfectly match driving students with driving instructors. Our vision is to create a safe traffic environment where fewer traffic accidents occur. We do this by only offering driving instructors who have proven to be reliable and qualitatively really good.
3. How did Mercator Launch help you?
Mercator Launch helped us to take a critical look at our value proposition. We used the Business Model Canvas and the Value Proposition Canvas to really sharpen my business case. In addition, Mercator Launch inspired us by connecting us to different people and introducing us to networks. Talking to people about our business really broadened our perspective and we gained a lot of new insights!
4. What are the future plans for Awesome Driver?
We want to grow into a profitable platform with more than 500 driving instructors within 5 years. To us, Awesome Driver will only be successful when we’ve made it easy for driving students with autism, performance anxiety or ADHD to find a suitable driving instructor. We want to lower the threshold for this target group to find a driving instructor that suits them and their needs during the educational process.
5. What do you need to make this happen?
We are looking for partnerships with companies who train driving instructors. Furthermore, we are looking for investors who can help us realize our plans faster and more efficiently.
6. If you can give one piece of advice to future entrepreneurs what would that be?
I read a book by Napoleon Hill “Think and grow rich”. This book has really inspired and motivated me. I have become aware of my own assets and abilities.
As an entrepreneur, your goal should always be solving a problem. To solve a problem, you have to talk to people and take your time to find out what the problem really is. You will encounter many obstacles during your journey. To overcome these obstacles, you need persistence. Or as Napoleon Hill strikingly says: “If you give up, you never win. Whoever wins never gives up”.
So, my tip is: listen to experts, but don’t follow everything they say. In the end, follow your heart and remind yourself what or who you are doing this for. I’m an entrepreneur because I want to help people and try to make their lives easier. I get a lot of positive energy from that. I have found this to be very important. Don’t do things that give you negative energy.